Within the project performed for the company ROEZ, s. r. o headquartered in Trnava, Slovak Republic, the seismic qualification of the backup mobile diesel generator unit was delivered. Requirements for the installation of a mobile diesel generator unit in the area of Mochovce NPP, Units 3&4 are based on the stress tests carried out in accordance with the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) and are based on requirements arising from the event which happened in Fukushima nuclear power plant.
The task of this project was to prove the seismic safety of the mobile diesel generator unit and its accessories for the installation conditions in the Mochovce NPP site, Units 3&4 for seismic load PGAH = 0.15g, resp. PGAV = 0.1g. A significant part of the project was also focused on consulting services for the customer and its subcontractors.
The individual project activities were as follows:
- Decomposition of the equipment into the qualification groups and selection of the appropriate qualification procedure in accordance with the requirements of methodologies and relevant normative and technical documentation for supplies to Mochovce NPP, Units 3&4. The deliverable of this task was the Qualification Plan of the mobile diesel generator unit.
- Potentially critical components which had to be qualified by type seismic tests were namely: the starter, the synchronous generator control unit and the generator, the diesel engine control unit, the switchgear cabinets with electrical equipment and the starter batteries. The qualification of these critical components was fully covered by Rizzo Associates Czech who developed partial type Qualification Programs, prepared and coordinated the tests in accredited laboratories, evaluated partial qualification tests and developed the partial qualification report for these components.
- Rizzo Associates Czech, as part of its activities, performed the verification of all partial seismic calculations of structures carried out by the equipment supplier.
- Final task, of the seismic evaluation of the mobile diesel generator unit was to collect all the partial qualification reports and to consolidate the qualification process results into the top qualification document: the summary qualification report including the qualification certificate.
The total project level of effort was 4 900 man-hours.
All activities in the framework of project processing were performed in accordance with the company’s quality policy. At the same time, mainly national legislative documentation, laws and regulations of national nuclear regulator ÚJD SR, normative and technical documentation of IAEA, methodological documentation and other relevant normative technical documentation were used as the acceptance criteria.